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Thursday 9 December 2010

Birmingham, Alexandra Theatre

Sorry for delay bit busy this time of year, and been mega ill.

Here we are in the dressing room, most of them were being painted so there was a whiff of paint in the air... nice! It was cold as you see from Chris' get up. Fredi had the sandwich toaster on as extra heating, Patrick didn't know and touched it by mistake, he was not a happy bunny.

Went for walk in town, so Christmassy, some sort of German market going on!
Patricks last show for a while as he is soon to be a new dad, hopefully he will be back he will be missed a great deal, especially Jeff!
During the show we saw Gary and Anna in the crowd, they had been delayed because of sat nav problems, but we spotted them in the crowd when they arrived! They bought me and Fredi flowers and a lovely card made for us by the daughter....Lots of time and effort had gone into it, and we very much appreciated that!!

More pics to come.