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Monday 15 February 2010

Oops indeed!

Ok, it's been a while since the last entry and i've really wanted to write about something but nothing of note has happened, that is until now....

There has been an accident! Patch or Patrick the bass player has gone and hurt his hand, but not a little hurt oh no! a proper big hurt!

Here is a picture that he sent us all with the title' oops!'

Heres a close up of the hand in question.

I have been asked to say that he was entirely sober when it happened. Fell over in the dark at home, put his hand through a glass table! Had to have 2 hour emergency operation to stitch some tendon thing together properly (It all sounds very serious). He said his finger was dangling in a worrying way!

He also said that the surgeon or doctor had music paying when he went in and it was guess what?... 'Floyd' how very appropriate and a nice reminder for Patch of what he won't be playing for a while. (talk about rubbing it in!)
Will update on blog when I hear more but 4-6 weeks recovery was being bandied around ?

Unfortunately the next couple of gigs will have to be rescheduled and we're all a bit gutted, the new backing singer is dead keen to get on the stage!

Needless to say we all wish him the best and look forward to the first rehearsal when we're all back together again. it just doesn't sound the same without the bass.

Polly xx

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