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Thursday 26 August 2010

Bristol Hippodrome, Wednesday 18th August 2010

Well the Hippodrome was so easy to get to, only hour and a half drive! I went after work with my pal Rae who was driving me home after the gig. Fantastic venue, really old english style theatre, nice tele's in dressing rooms....

Picture of the outside, yet on the inside.

Few pictures from on stage during the sound check.

The other end of our dressing room. I believe that these dressing rooms are really only meant for 1 person as there is no lock on the shower/bathroom door, and there isn't a lot of space for makeupping.. I wonder which stars have been in this dressing room...
Show was fun, it's nice when you have a friend watching...

Chatted to Ged backstage, one of our lighting guys, found out all about him and his son Freddie who was operating the lights out front. I love a bit of family history! I wont share it on here though.

Nice to be home and in bed by 12.30pm!!

Thanks Rae for the company and the driving!!

On a separate note I have just bought a Korg Triton le (keyboard) for playing at home and possibly in future shows if necessary. It's what Chris already uses, so his will now have a girlfriend, I have decided mine is a girl.

Tuesday 17 August 2010

Cromer, Pier Pavilion Sunday 15th August 2010

Here a break down of the gig

Drove a very long way, 8 hours for most of the band and that was just to get there!

Got to know John Jackson on the way up as he came to help us out today. A very amiable fella, he did rather well on the sing a song by this band game, but then he is a DJ!

Got to Cromer, saw the holiday crowds by the sea, bit like Paignton! Said, 'ooh it really is a theatre on a pier', (thought to myself) how very Jimmy Tarbuck'

Saw a lot of people fishing for crabs off the pier (apparently it's famous for it)

The load in door

Ate some chips and curry sauce on the pier, it was a cold, windy grey day, typical august weather!
Investigated around backstage with camera, here are some the things that were lying around..

under the stage...

Listened to the crashing of the waves around us while in dressing room!

Small stage, surprised we all fitted.


Did the show to a nearly sell out crowd, bit of a squash on stage but cool all the same.

Met some great people after the show.

Packed up our stuff and left at 12ish am, drove through the night (well Chris, John and Paul did - well done for keeping us alive). I got home at 6.30, 2 hours sleep then up for work!

Rock and Roll baby!


Thursday 5 August 2010

Winter Garden, Eastbourne 4th August

Well how do I begin. I cannot say all I need to say on here but suffice to say you have to take my word for it, it was an interesting show for us. Started firstly by many complications as to whether the show would/could go ahead. A huge change for us with the line up, crew, and people driving many hours to get there at last minute, and many other things to mention so all in all I thought we all did surprisingly well under the difficult circumstances. It's strange when you get into a comfort zone, but it's good to shake things up a bit to remind you of that nervous excited apprehension you used to feel.
Only the band and those connected to it will know the true in and outs with this show and I know a lot of you really enjoyed it, and are coming to see us again in Brighton in january but if it wasn't quite what you were expecting then please please give us another watch...for me go on!!

The things that stood out for me today were, the lovely people from the winter garden - the staff were great, had a good gossip with one of the chaps that was there during the day, we talked all about the 'cage fight' they had had there where people were promised Alex Reid and Katie Price!! (needless to say they didn't show)
I helped out with the merchandising stall which was fun cos you get to see all the people walk in and totally ignore you...
Met a guy who sold a vinyl copy of some pink floyd record collector for 150 pounds!

And one other thing that amused me, not that the audience would have known, but from where I was there was a huge shadow of my head on the wall behind the audience and for some reason the drums cymbal was a shadow right next to my head, so every time Jeff hit the drums in shadow land he was smashing me over the head... I had to smile during a few songs when he was really going for.

There was a power cut too! It has only happened once before and strangely that was on a friday the 13th oooh spooky..

so thanks for Alex Tsentides for stepping in at last minute on bass, he did a sterling job with only one rehearsal. Nice one Alex, and good luck with your own floyd band

Heres todays pictures...

The Merch stall ladies and gentleman

You can buy Pink floyd books for a discounted price of £20.
Written by Glenn Povey our manager

Badges and stickers, thats what I'm talkin' about, come on, yeah!

The new leaflet, hmmm lovely... this is free by the way..

The last one of it's kind, sold today (not sure why this is in blue i didn't ask it to be!)
Here is Glenn (right) (our projectionist for the evening!) and Dave Keyboards (left) from Alex's PF band.. just love the very smart way he's sitting in this! Darn it, it's still blue!

The winter Garden inside!
Sound check with Alex on the right

The view from my dressing room of the Eastbourne Lawn Tennis place, quite well known amongst the tennis players, Chris told me twice this was the one before Wimbledon..
And just cos he wasn't there.... Patch, one for the ladies that follow the blog. ha ha!

Mrs Loar, we missed you muchly too... xxxx
Adios peeps.