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Friday 2 April 2010

Wulfrun Hall, Wolverhampton Saturday 27th March 2010

Well, again this is a bit delayed but I made notes so it's all good!!! We arrived and the venue was smaller than I had in my head, well the stage was anyway.. No hanging space in dressing rooms, whats that all about huh?? We arrived pretty early so went to get breakfast in the Litten Tree ( think this was it's name) while the other crews got on with their stuff. Me and Mrs Loar had a good gossip when they had all left! Mrs L for anyone who knows her is the coolest person and her children are very very lucky to have her as their Mum. She laughs at all the disgusting and horrible things the band say but then again she has known Patch since he was 14 so she's used to it!
To combat the naughty words being thrown around willy nilly I wrote 'LOVE' on my knuckles as a protest. We need more love in the world folks!!

I didn't take many photos of this place for some reason ( I think I was all photo'd out from the day before!!) . Here is pic of the venue

I kinda liked the two circly things suspended from the ceiling, not sure what they were for though.

Here is the stage, now as I was saying it was a bit smaller than those lately, so the day after I had been promoted to front line I was relagated to standing on a BOX!! Yes a BOX!! ha ha. It was fine, just had to keep my movements to a minimum. My box was just behind the Hammond and in front of the sax 'riser'

Sound check was very painless today and we were done by 5. So we all went out to find food...a few of us went to Pizza Hut and it was very nice.
Here is the gang in said hut!

I did go a bit crazy taking close up pictures of people eating but I won't put them on here!!! Some things are best left to the imagination!

After gigs I sometimes get people saying to me, oh when the chords started to 'great gig' we were wondering whether you'd pull it off... or sometimes even 'we had a bet as to whether you'd mange the song!!' Luckily they all say complimentary things afterwards.. So this is my turn, I wasn't sure that the audience at Wolverhampton would be very loud, but man oh man I was wrong. They were amazing...really got into it, true floyd fans, and there were lovely comments after the show. Met a young lady who had a car covered in Floyd memorabilia and she was so looking forward to bringing it tonight but she crashed it a few days after getting it, oops.. She promised to send in a picture which I haven't received yet... please do send in if you read this.

The local crew were fantastic and we were out of there before 12, which was handy as we were doing an overnight trip home. Darn motorway roadworks had closed junctions, so it wasn't pleasant at 3 in the morning going off down back roads while trying to sleep.

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