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Monday 29 March 2010

Monmouth, Blake Theatre

Arrived pretty early as it wasn't really that far and we set off at usual time. Monmouth is a nice town, there is a private school attached to the theatre, so lots of posh looking boys in blazers walking around.

here is a pic from the stage, the seats are flippy back up ones as you can see.

During set up there was quite a lot of nonsense.. Jeff for some reason asked me to take pics of his cymbals???? but it has made for a good spot the difference game...

(if you can't see it, it's Steve L head under the cymbal!!)

Here is Lee, our monitor man for the two shows, We have met him before and i've not seen him in anything other than shorts, even in the really cold spell!!! He has a good pair of calves though!

Heres is a box of mic's and stuff during set up and shadow puppet courtesy of Jason.

Steve re stringing again...

Chris complained that he's never on here, but he hates posing for camera so I never get any interesting shots of him, but here I caught a nice moment of 'pointing'....

Trying to get Arty with the Hammond setting keys

We went for a little jaunt around Monmouth while the lighting boys (Jon (oscope) and Jason today) did their thing..
Popped into a music shop where I saw this ... very tasteful ornament

I got a telling off for taking the picture...oops. 'we're very protective over our stock. blah blah blah'.... I then thought if I was gong to buy something I now wouldn't on principle..

I tried to do a soduko puzzle in set up but my brain wasn't engaging very well and it was a 1 star easy one! Luckily Jon (oscope) has some brains and pointed out some obvious things i'd missed.. I also learnt that our lighting boys are both musicians as well. Jon (sax) and Jase (keys)

Ok so Jeff started this off, ......the gaffa tape facial decoration competition..

I do apologise for the pictures of the following idiots, but just in case anyone thinks the band take themselves seriously, this is proof that they do not..

This was the outtake where they couldn't keep a straight face.

See what I have to put up with folks!!!

I was moved to the front line this evening, I have been promoted!! ha ha, it felt a bit different as I couldn't look around at the other band members as much..

Show went fairly well, few gremlins but that's a live show for you. It's not the same everytime!

After the show we went out front and met Craig and his son. Craig has been following the band since we were playing around Torbay only, so he's our biggest fan ever!! He came to Glasgow and everything, haven't seen him in a while so really good to see his smiling face and hear his dulcet tones!!

We also met this lovely young lady Emma!

We were very popular with the photos this evening, they were all getting their cameras out and taking our pic and jumping in to have a picture. It is very strange...

Here's a nice lady who really enjoyed the show! what is Jeff doing with his arm band?

And remember gary and Anna who I mentioned a while back, where here they are... with daughter and a friend this time. Second time we've seen them since I started the blog!! Hello guys!!! See you again soon.

I think thats enough blogging for now...

Next installment will be Wolverhampton..

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