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Sunday 14 March 2010

Broxbourne 12th March 2010

Ok next morning, feeling quite a bit better and not so far to go to Broxbourne, just round the M25 a bit and up. We found the town of Hoddesdon which is pretty much also Broxbourne they were so close together. We had breakfast in a nice cafe. The boys were very pleased with the food, lots of silence whilst eating and when someone asked Steve L 'like your breakfast?', all he came back with was 'ahh yeah' in an eee by gum type voice, made me smile!

I forgot to bring enough contact lenses for duration of trip Doh! (yes i'm quite blind without them!) So I visited specsavers in Hoddesdon and as I use them for my sight tests etc they gave me 4 pairs for nothing.. So if you live in Hoddesdon, please go into Specsavers and give them your custom, they get my seal of approval!

Got to the venue Civic Hall Broxbourne/Hoddesdon and they were just finishing from what I presumed was a dance class, it's a multi purpose place perhaps, off the main road a bit. I couldn't even see a poster of our show in the foyer and I was looking.. I am told there was ONE!!
Here is venue tucked away amongst the trees..

Broxbourne from the stage

At some point over the three days Chris was banging things inside his thing. (very techincal see!) here's a picture of him doing it. Seems by listening to the sounds when you bang you can tell you if things had 'gone'. I'm pretending I remember when this happened and i'm making it today..Heres accompanying picture.

I went and laid down in my dressing room. It's not worth putting a picture of it on here but the sofa in it was an exact replica of the first sofa Chris and Steve Loar had in their married home, many years ago.. She was freaked out when she saw it and Steve instantly recognised it also! It was comfy, I had a little sleep on it. Getting used to this napping thing! Also something I thought was amusing was that the room has light sensors on it, so to get them to go off and have a nice normal dark nap you had to lie perfectly still, even a foot waggle would fire them up again. Someone came in when I was sleeping to make a cup of tea, it was a male with a voice I didn't recognise and I still have no idea who it was as I was under my hoody.. Hmm. Got me thinking now??
Later on Me and Mrs L had a nice chat and he started to tell me the story of when she first met steve and what she thought of his drain pipe trousers.. I shall keep it between us though Chris!

Here's the lighting boys Jason and Paul G, as mentioned previously. They did a super job I think.

This is Jason - sporting a very long fridge, Where have his eyes gone I hear you ask! I expect he has to do the side head sweep to get it out of his eyes!

Here is Paul, standing in my spot for my light to be focused. He is very tall or am I just really short? That seriously is how low my mic needs to be!! he's also stooping forward to accommodate for my shortness! hence the funny monkey arms!

Another of Jason for good measure as it's surely mid head sweep!

Here's one of Mark the Tech Manager, he had very nice arms! We always appreciate a good pair of arms don't we ladies??

Not much more to report. Sound checked early and then the boys went to get chips. They hurt my throat as they went down.. Oh yes, the steps of doom, These steps were really cold and you had to walk up them from the dressing rooms to the stage. Not very appealing really

Show went well, all in all. No unusual happenings from the crowd. Although I did see quite a number of men wiping their eyes during comfortably numb. It's always gives my nose a tingle and my eyes start to water when I see men moved to (dare I say it) tears. I start thinking about what the song might mean to them or a loved one, or their father oh and then that really gets me going and I have to focus! Same with 'us and them' and 'wish you were here', they're all the tear jerkers!
Steve makes my hairs go up on end during the numb solo and i've been lucky enough to hear it maybe 50+ times now.. still gets me. I particularly love the mirror ball moment! Thats the things people may not realise, we are up there doing the show for the love of the music, and we really want to audience to enjoy it as much as we do! Hope this comes across!

Emotional rant over!

*Little mention that I shall mow be checking that band have visited the little boys room in plenty of time to get on for the 2nd set! No names mentioned!!

After show chatted to Sylvia And Sinclair who have also seen us in Dartford and the O2, now are they are best fans to date?? Hope to see them again soon, lovely people! Hi Guys!!

Chris chatted to Steve and Sue Greenald who deserve a mention on the blog too! Thanks for coming to see us!

On the way to hotel tonight Wendy, Mrs L and me got lost, the man told us accommodation was easy to find off m25 so we didn't take a sat nav! It wasn't signed like he said and we missed the turn off, not that we realised! Got there about 45 minutes later than we should have, same time as the rest of the band!

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