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Sunday 14 March 2010

Aylesury 11th March 2010

After having been ill in bed with flu for 2 days I wasn't sure if i was going to make this little tour but then I heard at last minute Fredi couldn't make it so i told myself I had to get better for the sake of the music MAN! Thursday morning dragged myself out of bed and managed to get my aching bones to the pick up point..

firstly heres a picture of me incase you havent got which one I am yet..


Got to first venue, Civic Centre Aylesbury I couldn't do much but sit even if I had wanted to so I sat and watched the palava of getting the screen up. We met our lighting guys for the three days, Paul and Jason. All hands on deck to get the screen up, it's a heavy bugger you know!

There was lots of oh will it fit? and yes it did, just! Then they stood around and looked at it for a while!

I was feeling particularly rough so after having made tea (they had a big urn, very handy to have backstage!!) so I went and had a sleep in the minibus. Missed most of the next hour of so.. Came back and there seemed to be stress in the air. The inhouse projector took about a hour to even get a picture up and then it was only coming out in black and white.. also there was a curtain shadow showing at the top of the screen and they couldn't move it. Should have used the smaller screen was mentioned but how can you know these things in advance. There was much idea throwing about, eventually we used our own projector and balanced it at the back, did a grand job from such a long way back, a powerful little machine!
Aylesbury was a nice enough town. Seemed quite posh from my brief wander to get more medicine!

Heres is my obligatory view from stage!

Jeff asked me to take some more pics of his kit...(he's such a proud parent to his drums!) here are the best ones!

pigs finest moment
pig has finally made it on stage, from van to the hammond- pretty big leap...

Show went well. I felt really dizzy after singing great gig. It takes so much out of you physically. Ok wasn't my best one yet but I really tried for the audience!
Travelled with Wendy and Mrs L to somewhere near luton for hotel so we got there way before the boys. They apparently got lost thanks to sat nav and got in at 2am! Enjoyed my sleep immensely!

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