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Thursday 4 March 2010

Manchester Opera House

Hello everyone.

I was very encouraged with the blog after the show this evening by two very nice people Sue and Tommy who had been reading it and looked at me and said 'ARE YOU THAT POLLY? in an excited way!!' I will write more about them later..

Minibus journey took forever (well 5 or 6 hours) but I was really keen to get there, been so long since our last gig!

Here are the bands mascots, please note the incredibly dirty windscreen, is there no washer fluid?? Suprised Chris/Steve could see to drive!

Many ipod songs later and a little snooze and we were there.. the Manchester Opera House. We entered from backstage door and walked out on to the stage, the two new BV's (backing vocalists') said 'WOW! This is what we saw...

Here is an exterior shot ( I didn't take this I must add, good old google images!!)

Went to find our dressing room, chose one right at the top of 3 flights of stairs, that was a mistake (we walked up and down sooo many times!!!) but it was big enough for all three of us girlies.. The fly tower area was huge, it's own little room, there was even gym equipment in it!

Here the view from the tower down on to stage!

We did a bit of wandering around Manchester (well the area just around the Opera House which is probably not very representative of Manchester!) We visited local attractions including the local tesco's, me mainly for tissues for my snotty nose.. darn cold! The hardest thing to get used to on tour is the eating thing. You eat when you can and what you can and end up being not very healthy at all.

Back to Theatre and I had to do pics from FOH. This was during set up mind you so not that impressive.

I then felt like I should see how royalty felt and try the royal box.. Me and Fredi both decided the seats were not at all fancy, we were expecting so much more from a 'Box'
Heres pics from said 'Box' The view of the stage is quite rubbish, very side on, wouldn't have been able to see us singers so I wouldn't bother! The other is of a smoky auditorium.

Rest of the evening went quite quickly, sound check was good, we met our dep sax player Theo Travis....he has his own website.. He is a polite mild mannered fella, and boy he can play those sax's good! only one brief run through and then the show, now thats a pro!

Heres a pic I took off google, the man has so many images of him when you type in his name, i'm a bit jealous!

Show time was fun, the girls were excited.. we wore lots of sparkles, note to self must get more sparkles to match up to Fredi's super sparkliness!!

Show went rather well, audience enjoyed I believe. After the show we went out front to meet people as is now customary. We met lots of lovely people but us girls chatted mostly to Sue and Tommy, they were keen supporters, had been to see us somewhere else too. Tommy told us a story of a girl Mel (a local lass from their town) who was in the back of his taxi and offered to sing him great gig in the sky..He said it was a memorable taxi fare. Sue kindly mouthed to me, 'but you did it better...' I liked Sue and Tommy, hope to see them again..

Heres a pic of us with Sue and Tommy taken on mobile phone so excuse quality..

Here's a random pic of us girls taken by Joanne Loar!

There was some Kebab eating after the show

We then wearily packed up and travelled to hotel,

Other news
* the van broke down as Paul (soundman) was driving home so there was a kerfuffle about that and RAC men coming out in the middle of the night..
*One of Steves Amps packed up during the set, good job he has two huh!

Thats it for now... over and out..

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