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Sunday 20 June 2010

The Princess Theatre, Torquay 19th June 2010

Back on home turf, way hay! It was strange to think we had played in the pub just down the road from the theatre only 18 months ago. I arrived later than usual as had been rehearsing with my theatre group, I had my mum and sister with me, (my entourage as I called them) we made tea and coffee and then we waited for the choir to arrive for sound check, During the usual faffing about I got asked to take the following pictures (posers!)!

The 'not very long' adventures of Jeffy And Patchy


After a long winded sound check, I got quite excited at the prospect of having our family and friends watching.

Show started and I wasn't even nervous, I just felt totally at home on the stage tonight. Here is me and Fredi in a moody blue, I like this pic!
My fav moment

General shot from the audience

Thanks to my friend Alan Miller for sneakily taking the show photos above! Good job or I'd have had no record of the TAF choir who sang brick in the wall..... here comes the SHAMELSS PLUG (which were from my Theatre school Torbay Acting Factory!)(6-18yrs after school group for Singing, Dancing and Acting!!) (

Here they are in all their attitudey finery!

Special mention to Dan the only lad (the other 3 dropped out on the day!)

Here is Anna, wearing Garys home made T shirt, these guys travelled a long way to see us, and stayed in the travel lodge in Torquay, It meant a lot to see you guys, I was looking out for you, finally spotted you in the balcony.

This guy seemed rather taken with Fredi, who wouldn't be huh?
'Miss Torbay 2010' I'll have you know...

My family and friends, thanks so much for coming!!! (the young guy with his eyes closed behind is not part of my lot btw!)

Fredi's family and friends (Tom her boyf with the big grin behind!)

Thats all from Torquay, we've got a couple weeks off now, so will be back blogging again after High Wycombe 2nd July.

Mirupafshim (goodbye in Albanian!)

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