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Saturday 3 July 2010

High Wycombe Friday 2nd July 2010

Well the first thing of note was that the minibus van wouldn't start. So I was ready at 9.30 and then checked my phone to see that they were still in Brixham. 2 hours later and a lot of faffing and time wasting on my part I met the vans. The indicators were on strike so there was some good old fashioned arm signalling on the motorway. Chris and Jeff worked well as a team on the left arm signal!

Oh the hilarity with the wig. Please note the placing of Chris' hand in this pic, you are not imagining things, there was a cheeky squeeze!

Disappointing amount of pics taken today. Oh well, I just wasn't feeling snap happy. Here is Harriet Baker, our dep for Ross, (and a previous student of his) She was fab and it was nice to have another girl with me in my dressing room.

Here is a little feature on young Zac, Alan his Dad is obviously a big floyd fan and has seen us before but brought Zac along this time. This young man had a huge grin and when I asked him what he thought of the show he just beamed and said 'amazing'!

Zac and Me
Here is Zac with Chris (think he looks more impressed being next to Chris!)
Zac with Dad Alan

Here's three friendly fellas, who I asked to be on the blog.

This brother and sister combo were helping sell the merchandising.
I didn't write down their names, I shall find out from Wendy and update!!

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