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Monday 5 July 2010

Basfest 2010

Welcome to Chris' BLOG

Well as Polly wasn’t able to join us for the weekend so she asked me if I would take over the Blog duties. So welcome to Chris’s Blog.

Just to add to our show at High Wycombe I had a little altercation with a traffic Warden after they had ticketed one of our vehicles. Apparently when the Theatre was built the local council bought the surrounding land and left only one space on the Theatre ramp for cars! Bearing in mind that most touring companies turn up with more than one car it seems like a nice little earner for the local council. Suffice to say I won’t be sending them a Christmas card.

Apart from that it was a great night and met lots of nice people including our new Sax player Harriet Baker, great job on her first show.

This brings me to our day off at ‘Povey Towers’. Our Manager had kindly offered to put the remaining band members up for the weekend prior to our show at Basfest on Sunday afternoon. Steve, Jeff, Paul and I were thoroughly entertained by our managers fine hospitality and thought the arranged trip to the Sunday market was a real insight into how the other half live.

Later into the day the BBQ was fired into action, not before Steve and Jeff fell asleep watching the football, and we had a full on meat fest with Jeff’s home made burgers, which were not all that bad!

During the day we felt is was our duty to send photo’s to Patch as we didn’t want him to feel left out.

Paul BBQ Chef

Steve and Jeff watching the football

Glenn and Chris

Good nights sleep and off to Basildon for BASFEST 2010!!!.

Well to be honest I didn’t know what to expect and was pleasantly surprised when we turned up. It was a lot bigger that I was expecting and very sunny. These were Perfect festival conditions. This festival was well organised and all the staff and stewards I met were great so credit to you guys.

The only problem I had was the Hammond. Due to the fact the Hammond organ realise on a 230 volt supply to give the Hammond the correct frequency to run at concert pitch, when the generators 240 volts went in so the pitch went up and I had an organ which was about a semi tone sharp!! Didn’t sound to good I can tell you.Fortunately Patch was on his way, sporting very nice straw trilby, with my digital organ and saved the day. Phew!

We played a new hour1/2 set, which was well received by the crowd of several thousand, oh and the stage sound was loud, real loud. I thought my head was going to implode at one point.

We had a great laugh and Ross joined us on Sax, which was a real pleasure.

Quote of the day, ‘ C’MON, LET ME SEE YOUR HANDS’ priceless.

I conclude that I love the festival atmosphere although I feel this will change the next time we do one in the rain! Lets hope that never happens. More festivals for next summer, may I suggest a facebook group ‘In the Flesh for Glastonbury 2011’.

So I hope I have done this blog justice and that you continue to keep up with the band, All the best.

Chris. x

Crowd before


  1. Apart from that it was a great night and met lots of nice people including our new Sax player Harriet Baker, great job.thanku for sharing nice post.

  2. Cricket Hospitality
    These were Perfect festival conditions. This festival was well organised and all the staff and stewards I met were great so credit to you guys.nice post
