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Sunday 19 September 2010

Frome, Somerset, 17th Sept 2010

In the morning it was like being on school camp or something, everyone fighting for use of the bathroom, boys walking around in towels, (ok school camp wasn't like that!)

The band vans parked up in a sleepy somerset village!

Chris taking in the villagey feel, which reminded Fredi of the film hot fuzz!
The old Co-op and photo shoot studio!
Patch and I went to local shop for bacon and eggs and Patch cooked up a feast!
My sister and Paul in said Kitchen that made the very nice egg / bacon sarnies!!
Photo shoot time! It was payment for staying at Charlies place.. She has a photography blog project where she takes pictures of everyone that visits her place! Here is the link to the blog, our pics won't be up there yet though, but keep checking back, it'll be worth it, just for Patchs pic!

Trust Jeff. This was something I picked up once at an auction, My sister took it off my hands!
After photo shoot, arrived at Frome.

Et Voila, Memorial Theatre Frome.

Our saviour Paul on the left came to do the projection for us, my brother in laws, brother in law! He did a fabulous job considering he hadn't seen the show before! Chris Loar has Glandular fever, get well soon Mrs L!!!
A rare pic of Paul Woodhams smiling during the day, he's usually quite stressed at this point!!!
Having been told to smile more from someone we knew the night before, the boys took it upon themselves to go the whole hog in sound check, this was 'Money'. Jeff played the whole song in sound check with this face and lots of eyebrow action it was very funny!!
(Rock stars aren't required to smile are they? They are always too cool for school!)
Patch doing his best happy performance face, swinging the guitar too cheestastic!!
Here are our hosts for the previous night Charlie and Marc, who came to the show. Marc looks like he's poking out his tongue a bit, I should have taken a couple of pics really!
Heres is Harriet with her pal, Polly! Yes there were a couple of moments when we both answered!) I'm not used to it! Polly is usually such a rare name!
Oh and so I don't forget, Frome laid on food for us!! Good Stuff

Hi to Gary and Anna too!!!

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