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Saturday 23 October 2010

Journal Tyne Theatre, Newcastle, Fri 22nd Oct 2010

Steves blog went down a treat, he did a great job! His next one will be along soon enough.

Well back to Newcastle, this was a really really long way to go for one show. It took about 8 hours to get there, we saw the Angel of the North on the way, like a dufuss I forgot to put my memory card back into my camera, so had camera but no means of using it! Therefore will rely on google images to help me out today.. and the others iphones!

Angel of North... impressive!

It was a thoroughly grey day. Many of us had brought hats and scarves, reminding me yet again that winter and all things Christmassy is upon us!

A really quaint old theatre, the Journal Tyne.....

Heres is some info on the place.

This outstanding building (Grade I Listed) opened in 1867 and was designed by William B Parnell. It remains, substantially, today much as it was when it first opened.

The theatre later became the Stoll Picture Theatre in 1919 (window in stained glass bearing new name still intact) and showed films exclusively from a projection box constructed in the 2nd (of 3) balconies until closure in 1974.

When the screen was removed it was discovered that the final theatre set was still largely in place!

It was restored as a live theatre but suffered a disasterous fire in 1985 when the stage was burned out (auditorium largely undamaged).

The early Victorian stage machinery was painstakingly reconstructed and the theatre reopened.

One of the most beautiful auditoriums in the country, the Opera House is well worth a visit if you are in Newcastle upon Tyne.

Fredi instantly said, this place must be haunted when we walked in and it did have a feel about it.

We didn't have long to set up, so even I carried some boxes! Not our regular soundman Paul today so Patrick and Jeff between them were operating the sound effects and samples from the stage. It made for more nervous tension, before the off, and apparently the mini disc player which the sound effects were on, decided to stop working before the show until Chris very firmly 'told it' to work and quote from him 'I s*** you not', it started working straight away! Ross also said he was convinced while watching side stage that there was someone standing next to him, so spooky goings on?

Great enthusiastic crowd! I chatted to a couple of people afterwards, Alison or Amanda Simpson (sorry, I didn't write it down!) and her neighbour Jim Slater who were locals and had enjoyed the show from what I gathered.

After being on the go for 18 hours, I got the guys some food after the show and while they were eating they were told to get a move on loading out the gear by the staff. Oh for the days when we have roadies and we can just jump in a coach and go to the Hotel! It was a particularly hard slog today but spirits were very high on stage and we really enjoyed the show.

Not too far from the hotel, and we just crashed out straight away. Ross flew home early Saturday morning and we all met for breakfast (first time in forever we've sat around and had brekkie together!) Then the horrible horrible drive home in which we were stuck in tail backs so many times. Here is a pic Patch took of a awful looking crash, not even sure how appropriate it is to put on here, but I did see some kids and dad standing with the ambulance looking quite smiley so hopefully whoever was in it got out before it caught fire!!

Here's the funny message Jeff wrote on back on the other Van, it is referring to the two drivers.
Sunny Croquet & Ricardo Chubbs

We then caught the stop starty wave effect on way back through Bristol Jeffers was getting really irate.

Think it took well over 8 hours to get home, I am now writing this blog and my body still feels like i'm at sea!

Oh and at the Venue, we signed a book that all performers have been asked to sign, and Fredi was impressed with Russell Brands!

Wednesday 20 October 2010

Cardiff, St Davids Hall, Sun 17th Oct 2010- Blog by Steve

Polly has asked us all if we would like to contribute to the blog so here is my attempt for what it’s worth.

St David’s Hall, Cardiff was the destination for this show and we left Torquay about 11am on a beautiful sunny October day. Travelling to gigs wouldn’t be the same without some sort of mishap and we got off to a fine start with Chris having to return home about 10 mins into the journey to retrieve his stage wear that he had left behind.
We eventually met at our regular fuel stop on the outskirts of Torquay and fuelled up and set off to pick Polly up from our meeting place at the bottom of Telegraph Hill
This is us flying down Telegraph Hill with the minibus in front.

and there’s the minibus at the bottom of the road after having picked up Polly.

“Have you got your sat nav set?” was the question.

“Of course I have says I.” Problem being I set it for the City Hall instead of St David’s Hall. Mishap number 2¸which proved to be the instigator of much amusement and abuse at my expense later in the day.
Jeff asked if I bought my sat nav from a joke shop....but he didn’t put it as politely as that.
Speaking of Jeff and following on from his renowned penchant for all things toiletry and nautical, I duly informed him that the “Council Gritter” had been well and truly stoked with the aid of a “Balti Bomber” and that the “Admiral” was expected in port at about 2.30pm Cardiff local time.....probably berth 2.

He likes to know these things and has even been known to acquire photographic evidence.

Anyway...on with the journey........

Here’s the fabulous Mrs L playing Farmville on her phone and our slightly portly Bass player Patches O’Hoolahan.

And there goes Jeff again....raggin the ass off the minibus at about 80mph.

Bless him.

It really was a beautiful day and here’s a nice shot of us going across the bridge

It was a bit tricky taking these photo’s while driving...especially while I was trying to drink my coffee and answer the phone all at the same time....but hey.......I managed. (cough, cough)

This is us lost in Cardiff.......

And this is us lost again...

Success....we eventually made it without the aid of the Kelloggs sat nav which may just have been set for Botswana...

The plaintiff cry of....”Yeah, but I got the co-ordinates off Google Earth” could just about be heard over the barrage of abuse.

Here’s a nice picture of Paul sporting some rather snappy head gear. I’m not sure what look he was trying to achieve but....

“You look like a tw*t” was one of the suggestions.

Obviously all in the best possible taste.

Here’s the Commander in Chief with a well earned mug of “Shut the f**k up”

Or tea as it is generally referred to.

And this is the delightful Fredi doing her “Waddup dawg.” thing that she does.

I haven’t got a clue either. I mean we are talking about a girl who fires up a sandwich maker just to keep her hands warm.

Here’s Fredi and Harriet waiting around to sound check.

This is Dave “Lofty” Lockhart doing the on stage monitor mix. Dave really looks after his gear and all his PA equipment was immaculate. He can actually hear from about 50 metres away if you tread on one of his mike leads. God bless ya Dave. As a matter of interest Dave tours frequently with the Blockheads.

Oh’s Buffwad taking a break from playing “Angry Birds” on his phone. Go on us yer war face

Being as I’m doing the blog this week I thought I might give you a peep at my gear...this is the point where the rest of the band yawn.

Here’s my set up. It’s Matchless all the way for me and I wouldn’t use anything else. Both these amps are 1996 Mark Sampson originals with only one It looks a bit over the top but one rig is used as a back up.

Next picture is my effects....

I also have a smaller board which I use for the Lap steels.

Anyway, enough of that. Here’s Freddie and Polly in deep conversation and showing much concern after just finding out that Jeff is suffering from haemorrhoids. We are having a whip round to see if we can raise some cash to get him a soft cushion or inflatable bottom ring to put on his drum seat. As a measure of his popularity it’s heart warming to know that we have so far raised 17p with only Glenn the manager remaining to chip in. We are hopeful that we will achieve at least 20p by this Friday.

Some shots of the girls about 15 mins before the show.

Here’s Harriet slumming it.....

Fredi drying her nails...

And Jeffrina.....spanking Angry Birds....again

Finally, a shot of the front of house mixing position. More of Loftys gear.

You can’t make Cappuccino on it so it’s pretty useless.

A quick shot of the stage...

And last but not least....yes....I wore my Homer Simpson socks...

Many thanks to all who come to see our shows. Come say hello afterwards. We are more than willing to chat.

See ya.


Saturday 16 October 2010

Salisbury Friday 15th October 2010

Trying to get this blog in quick as we're off to Cardiff tomorrow morning for another show, we're certainly getting around a bit at the mo!

It might be a quick one til I can fill in the blanks...

Firstly I need to share to the strange gig habits of Miss Fredi Wright to you all. She has taken to putting on the toasted sandwich maker to keep her WARM!!?? Here she is doing just that..

I Spot a Spier and the spot a Fredi competition is back.. (she's behind the lamp post btw)
Me and Fredster took a stroll around the lovely town.

Patch looking almost Angelic.
The venue
Jeff doing his teenager jeans impresssion. Never understood why they dont just fall down
Note the new sequencer on the left...

Paul doing his bingo calling, and i'm a teapot impression...
Mrs Loar must have been a ballet dancer!!! Check out the 'first' position feet!
I like how Ross isn't phased at all by Patch..
Working out the extra flute bits to Fat old sun.
After the show with Sabrina,who saw us at Christchurch too.. I'm shamelessly short in this picture! I also look like i'm drunkenly collapsing on Fredi..

Other stuff

*Patch's sister came to this show.

*We sold a lot of T shirts after the show hope you are all wearing them with pride!

Truro Hall for Cornwall

Hello my blog followers...

Truro, always a bit further away than I expect... being Devonians and it only being in Cornwall! My photography skills were somewhat under-par this time, most of the pics just seem a bit blurry!

I had to do my accounts in the dressing room, how interesting huh?

We used a company from Newquay for the lights, the operator guy was called Max I believe, but he was like a whisp of a ghost cos I didn't really have any recollection of seeing him... probably because of doing the accounts, not cos I'm a diva and ignore people or anything!! ..
I noticed during the show that there was a rogue mug still on Jeffs drum riser. How very rock and roll huh, a mug from an earlier cup of tea!! We have also had, over the months, a packet of digestive biscuits left on the front of the stage! ha ha! We like to leave them there incase the front row were peckish!

Here are a few from sound check.

The stage from our perspective!

Which brings me round nicely to mention how much I enjoy watching the crowd. It is like a little show in itself. I get long moments when not singing and use this to have a good look at what people are up to. The audience doesn't realise that we can see them quite well when the lights are right.., the head bobbing to the music, the occasional sniff, wipe of the nose, the usage of mobile phones to film, the theatre staff telling them to put their phones away... It's all quite entertaining...

Not sure what patch was going for here but its quite amusing all the same...

Again met some nice peeps after the show, a young boy was called Michael. He had some of our badges and stickers, bless him!

Memorable moment from this evening was the deathly silence after Chris said we were from Devon.. Oops, sorry Cornwall!! And I liked this subsequent comment on the guest book!!

Ken Gilbert from Bodmin | Saturday October 09, 2010. 13:37
Thanks guys, great show at Truro, just like Floyd in the seventies. Find somewhere better to live though!

Friday 8 October 2010

Exmouth Pavilions, Thurs 7th Oct 2010

Ok, so this was the quickest gig to get to, only about 25 minutes as I'm in Exeter anyway!! Right next to the lovely sandy beach... The Pavilions was bigger than I had remembered from last year, think I was getting a couple places muddled in my head.. It has some rather nice giant christmas decorations baubles as lights..

A close up of the lovely baubles...
There was some serious feedback issues in sound check....

Great show tonight, Patch had lots of people from his work there, he had a great introduction in the band line up, something like, the fabulous, beautiful, stunning, incredible, we wouldn't be anywhere without him, Patches O Houlahan.. Chris surpassed himself with that one!!!
Oh also after someone shouted out 'Patch' while Chris was talking about the website link, he then added, yes there's pictures of Patch on the website.. for our gay fans...

I had the nicest chat ever with Ross today.. reminiscing the past...

Here is Ross doing autographs...

This is Ben, he came to see us in Torquay, I recognised him anyway from somewhere else. Here is is with the Fredster!! (Craig in background too!)

Patchs work colleagues.
The bar staff who danced/sang their way through the songs at the back, we were watching you!!

This is David, he shook the mens hands...and that hair is very well styled don't you think.
Patch had been drawn on the face by Jeff with the red pen by this point!

Alex the in house Techy.. 'good job fella'

home and in bed by 12.30, yeah, sleeps is the best!!