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Saturday 23 October 2010

Journal Tyne Theatre, Newcastle, Fri 22nd Oct 2010

Steves blog went down a treat, he did a great job! His next one will be along soon enough.

Well back to Newcastle, this was a really really long way to go for one show. It took about 8 hours to get there, we saw the Angel of the North on the way, like a dufuss I forgot to put my memory card back into my camera, so had camera but no means of using it! Therefore will rely on google images to help me out today.. and the others iphones!

Angel of North... impressive!

It was a thoroughly grey day. Many of us had brought hats and scarves, reminding me yet again that winter and all things Christmassy is upon us!

A really quaint old theatre, the Journal Tyne.....

Heres is some info on the place.

This outstanding building (Grade I Listed) opened in 1867 and was designed by William B Parnell. It remains, substantially, today much as it was when it first opened.

The theatre later became the Stoll Picture Theatre in 1919 (window in stained glass bearing new name still intact) and showed films exclusively from a projection box constructed in the 2nd (of 3) balconies until closure in 1974.

When the screen was removed it was discovered that the final theatre set was still largely in place!

It was restored as a live theatre but suffered a disasterous fire in 1985 when the stage was burned out (auditorium largely undamaged).

The early Victorian stage machinery was painstakingly reconstructed and the theatre reopened.

One of the most beautiful auditoriums in the country, the Opera House is well worth a visit if you are in Newcastle upon Tyne.

Fredi instantly said, this place must be haunted when we walked in and it did have a feel about it.

We didn't have long to set up, so even I carried some boxes! Not our regular soundman Paul today so Patrick and Jeff between them were operating the sound effects and samples from the stage. It made for more nervous tension, before the off, and apparently the mini disc player which the sound effects were on, decided to stop working before the show until Chris very firmly 'told it' to work and quote from him 'I s*** you not', it started working straight away! Ross also said he was convinced while watching side stage that there was someone standing next to him, so spooky goings on?

Great enthusiastic crowd! I chatted to a couple of people afterwards, Alison or Amanda Simpson (sorry, I didn't write it down!) and her neighbour Jim Slater who were locals and had enjoyed the show from what I gathered.

After being on the go for 18 hours, I got the guys some food after the show and while they were eating they were told to get a move on loading out the gear by the staff. Oh for the days when we have roadies and we can just jump in a coach and go to the Hotel! It was a particularly hard slog today but spirits were very high on stage and we really enjoyed the show.

Not too far from the hotel, and we just crashed out straight away. Ross flew home early Saturday morning and we all met for breakfast (first time in forever we've sat around and had brekkie together!) Then the horrible horrible drive home in which we were stuck in tail backs so many times. Here is a pic Patch took of a awful looking crash, not even sure how appropriate it is to put on here, but I did see some kids and dad standing with the ambulance looking quite smiley so hopefully whoever was in it got out before it caught fire!!

Here's the funny message Jeff wrote on back on the other Van, it is referring to the two drivers.
Sunny Croquet & Ricardo Chubbs

We then caught the stop starty wave effect on way back through Bristol Jeffers was getting really irate.

Think it took well over 8 hours to get home, I am now writing this blog and my body still feels like i'm at sea!

Oh and at the Venue, we signed a book that all performers have been asked to sign, and Fredi was impressed with Russell Brands!

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