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Thursday 14 April 2011

Wimbledon, New Theatre, Thursday 14th April 2011

It's 11.27am and we're well on the way to Wimbledon. This is a new venue for us, so who knows what's in store? We're travelling up in chris' car today as betsy 3 died on our last journey and she has not yet been replaced! Does anyone fancy giving us a free coach? Fredi is currently sat in the back between jeff and Pete- A Rose between 2 thorns as steve quoted at the services stop off.

What is it about travelling that makes me super hungry at 10am!

Out of interest gonna see how many views the blog gets over next 2 gigs. We're on 8103 at the moment!

Drove through Barnes, it had very posh looking houses! Went over the Hammersmith bridge..

Arrived at theatre about 1ish, there's Wifi - hence why i'm typing in my dressing room.
Lovely looking theatre, will go take a picture shortly..

The mirror ball before being hoisted into place.

The full height of the stage

A painting in the backstage corridor

It's now 16.11 and things are going in full swing. I've just heard i'll be trying in ear monitors tonights, so that be very different! Hope they don't fall out!
...Just tried them in sound check and it was ace......Pictures from sound check

A womble as we're in Wimbledon! See if you can spot him if you're coming to watch this evening.

The drums looking smashing! Quite Spacey!

The new addition to the clan on the Hammond Organ. Pig number 2!, Chris is now looking for another different pig, a sheep and dog but he is quite fussy about what it looks like.
Here they are with the flash on!

After the show, we had a few friendly punters chat to us. Here is a few chatting in front of a fetching thomas the tank engine poster! I didn't know he was touring?

Phil and Tim here...

Now Tim (on the right) is from Norwich which is where we are playing tomorrow, so he said he would come and see us there also. If he does, then that will be impressive - 2 shows on 2 consecutive nights, i'm sure that hasn't been done before!

TIM, you'd better come!!

Not too far to go before bed, stayed in heathrow Travelodge.

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