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Friday 15 April 2011

Norwich UEA, Friday 15th April 2011

A bit of an uncomfortable journey up and I was lucky as I was in front seat. Poor Fredi was very squashed between the boys in the back. After day 1 and current total on blog is .....


That's 97 views - Quite good in one day!

Have found wifi so i'm blogging from the dressing rooms above the UEA union. There's a noise curfew until 5pm so once things are set up everyone must just hang around as we can't fire up the sound system or anything.

Heres some pictures I have just taken from the venue and outside.
Local stage crew helping with the get in.

An array of mic stands, waiting to be set up.

Not a great shot - but here's the stage during set up.
The floor where people will be standing tonight.
A view from inside venue of the student union shops
Outside the front doors of venue, last year we went and sat by the lake that is off to the right...

Pete reading in the dressing room.
If you are coming this evening, see you soon! Come and say hello after the show.

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