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Monday 13 June 2011

Falmouth, Princess Pavilion, 4th June 2011

It was quite a nice day for driving, we had to hire a van as our remaining van could not be fixed in time! I drove my car as we couldn't all fit into Pauls car. I took Chris and Ross and we stopped off in Cornwall for a Mcdonalds, (was this a mistake on Chris' part? - see later in blog!)
The first road to Falmouth was blocked by a police sign so we had to go a different route but we still got there in plenty of time.

It was a smaller venue than our equipment is used to, so the screen had to remain backstage and we projected on a white back screen they had instead.

My camera has a problem! -
it's taking pictures off centre and is making a funny noise. Oh dear!!!

Lots of posters backstage of previous acts.
Here's a pic of a few of them. Cara Dillon has an amazing voice.

Lots of illness going round!
Fredi had tonsillitis and couldn't make this gig. Chris complained of not feeling good before the show. Pete also had a bad cold but the show must go on.

A view from backstage load in, lovely sailing boats!!!

The crew were very helpful, and the guy had a nifty portable 'monitor desk on a screen to walk about with, which meant he could adjust them while standing next to you. Not come across one of those before!

Show went well, people seemed to enjoy it. We couldn't unfortunately meet anyone after as they had shut up the marquee / bar.

I had to do the driving home as Chris wasn't feeling well. Nearer to home he took a turn for the worse and then as we arrived in Torquay to help unload the hire van (at 3.30am!!!!) he was shivering uncontrollably. He ended being really sick, and needed looking after the next day! (Not sure if it was Mcdonalds?)

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