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Monday 11 July 2011

Torquay, Princess Theatre - Thurs 7th July

Well this was our local gig, so I didn't even need to show up til much later in the day. I wasn't feeling my best anyway so was glad that Fredi was taking the lead tonight on great gig. Her family were all coming so that was a nice treat all round. My students from my theatre school arrived at 5.30. There was a bit of hoo ha with my mic not working at the start of sound checking, but then it did so don't know what was going on there.
The choir didn't get to practise til gone 6 I think so a bit of waiting around and then when they were done, they went off to town or the chippy. They watched the show from the back of auditorium, both Fredi's brother and sister were in the choir, Arnie was the one on crutches, having broken his leg while we were in Guernsey.

Show went well, I struggled to get through it to be honest, but tried my hardest. Have no idea how someone like Lady Gaga could pull off a show feeling like I did. Ahh well.

I pretty much went straight home afterwards but briefly went out to see my sister and Michele who were working the merchandise for us. Saw Patch (our old bass player) and Georgia Chris T's niece.

Ciao for now.

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