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Monday 31 May 2010

Chesham and Weston Super Mare

The Elgiva Theatre, Chesham 27th May 2010
When putting in postcode to sat nav we found a road name in Chesham called bottom lane and so we went on a magical mystery tour with the sat nav to find it. It was down many wind roads. Eventually we found it and here is the photo result. Look away if easily offended!!

The venue from outside today

During the show, lots of people came in after we had started and as the seats were mainly taken they had to stand on the outside edges..
There were a lot of younguns there this evening. Saw a girl (maybe 11yr?) in a sparky bolero like me, swaying, in a similar style to me, I secretly hoped she was copying me. Her face lit up when we played Brick in the wall. Parents must be huge floyd fans!
Everyone seemed very relaxed on stage, couple band members were throwing some shapes, seeing if they could get in some muscle poses when they weren't lit to amuse each other. Apparently they did it through my Great Gig, I had no idea as I go off to my own little world anyway..
Lots of nice comments afterwards and very friendly people!

The Playhouse Weston Super Mare 28th May 2010

The pier was shut! - boo!
Tonights gig was mostly about the T SHIRT for me! Gary and Anna our old blog friends, were there. Gary had had a T shirt made up with the words 'I follow Pollys blog on it' HOW COOL IS THAT!!
Here it is after the show!
100% Effort!

Craig (from Torbay) and his mates were there also, so had a picture with them. Here me with them

Here's Fredi's folks who dropped her off for the show.

2 nice kids came and asked for our signatures. Megan and Alistair, here they are by the merchandising stand after the show.

Some high 5'ing on the move was practised during sound check!

During wish you were here Jon on lights threw a muscle pose at us from the back, wasn't expecting it so had to try not to laugh.

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