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Thursday 6 May 2010

Lincoln, Sunday 2nd May 2010

Well it was a long ole Trek to Lincoln, but the Theatre was so cute, it was worth it.

Nice boxes for the rich folks back in the day.

The usual shots of stage and auditorium from my spot. (this is so I can look back and remember the places we've played in)

The best Green room too. A nice chilling/hanging out space.

Not much really happened to report, the same old really, clutching at straws with this gig to make a story.. Fredi tried out brown hair to see what she'd look like..

She'd look good with any colour I think!

We checked out the pictures in foyer, This 1911 poster caught my eye as I'm directing Midsummer Nights dream at the moment!

There was an incident with someone filming me demonstrating and doing the running man in the interval, but we won't say too much about that and hopefully the video will be kept locked away until I feel less embarrassed about being such a fool and not realising it would happen when people have these all singing and dancing iphones!

Such a great Crowd!!!
This a sneaky shot I took as everyone was leaving!!

After the show we met Gary and Anna, read previous post!! Here they are in their T shirts!

This is Lesley who was selling the merchandising.
Chris was very happy with his display today...

So that concludes my entry, sorry it wasn't very exciting, but Patch said he never reads the words anyway just look at the pics!

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