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Saturday 15 May 2010

Narberth, 14th May 2010

Rainy day up to Narberth, which was a long way plus windy roads, not my favourite type of journey! When we got there the venue was quite a lot smaller than we had imagined and there was a lot of trying to sort out where everything would go. Here is a shot of Jase and Pete (lighting boys) filling up half of the room with their empty boxes!

Witnessed a very minor strop from Jase as a light went ping, and he stomped up the ladder and blew his floppy fringe out the way too with exasperation!! (made the last bit up)
He was still focusing lights when we were sound checking, so it all took a lot longer than usual!

Chris bought along a George 'Formby' (yes I know thats wrong!) lean mean grilling machine that Wendys dad Pete bought, so had to mention that. It did four toasted sarnies at once! Here is the factory line! Fredi's a whizz on buttering bread!

Narberth is a pretty town so had to do a few pics! The sun had come out by this point making even prettier!

This is the venue from the front.

Shot from my position during sound check.

The lady (Lynne) told us to expect a walk up and she was right loads of people turned up on the door! We had it as a standing venue with seats around the outside, so the atmosphere picked up as it went along and people were dancing. Extraordinary amount of filming on phones going on! The quality must be shocking but I suppose if it gives them a chance to relive it then we will stay in their memories!

Show went really well, and I really enjoyed the more intimate crowd, all the other band members were a bit close for my liking though. The instruments were so loud because they were near!

After the show we met some super people, but two people stood out. A young man called Matthew Bird who was a budding guitarist and asked for a plectrum (well his aunty did). Chris gave him one and in return he gave back a red 'devil' shaped plectrum that Chris promised to play with! I will take pics Matt to prove it!

We met a most amusing lady called Katie Honka-Tonka Williams. She told us she was quite drunk but to me she was just great and funny! She was very enthusiastic and complimentary about everyone, she called Patrick 'Colin Farrell' as there is a resemblance ( if you squint!) ..Oh and in the line up Chris called him the 'mildly attractive Patches O' Houlahan' which is my favourite Patch intro yet. She asked us to find her on facebook, which I have tried but nothing came up, so Katie your task is to find us from the band facebook page.

A long drive home, but all in all a thoroughly enjoyable gig!

Adieu (From now on I will try to sign off in different languages) xx

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