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Thursday 18 November 2010

Cambridge Corn Exchange, Sunday 14th November 2010

Our second visit to the Corn Exchange and it was great! Cambridge is all very posh looking as you drive through the streets, you can just tell there a fancy University there! We were chuckling at the amount of push bikes, and scarves there were. It's SOOOOOO English!

A lovely surprise today was from Lynne and Geoff, they came to see the show in Southport only last week, Lynne said Geoff hadn't stopped talking about it since and as they were on a little jaunt to Leicester for the weekend they had decided to travel to Cambridge especially to watch us. They happened to meet Steve out by the vans while we were setting up so we invited them inside, took their picture for good measure, the chap on the right was helping the sound guy Mike tonight.

Lynne and Geoff are the centre 2

Here's the venue from the stage, loved the swirly lights!

During sound check, think the funniest moment for me was when Patch tried to do a scissor kick in his socks and came down a bit heavy, and then hurt his back a bit!! Maybe this is why he is sitting down in this pic?

Ross in sound check

Probably our best gig ever, everyone was on form! The crowd were fantastic and it just had a great vibe, seeing as a lot of the Floyd are from Cambridge or studied there, it was just special you know?

Jenny Spires who was Syd Barretts girlfriend came up to us all the end, she was lovely, a gorgeous woman! She was really impressed which meant a lot!

Fredi made the mistake of saying she thinks Roger Waters is a hot older man! The offers she was getting after that! Yes they did just say that!!

Travelled home next day saw this poor car... reminder to drive carefully out there everyone!

And so ends my blog, Cambridge you were ACE!!

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