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Thursday 11 November 2010

Southport Theatre Wednesday 10th November 2010

Southport, was a lovely town, right up above Liverpool. I have never been there in my life before so it was quite interesting. Seeing signs for Bolton and stuff made me think of Peter Kay. Yet again Patrick was asleep in the back and no-one told me! It took a long long time as there was some huge traffic jam on the M6, we saw a big articulated truck that had smashed into the back of another one taking up two lanes, luckily on the other side of the road. Don't know if we'd have even got to the gig otherwise as the tail back was ridiculous on the other side! But as soon as we'd been past this accident the traffic started moving at a speedy rate! So was the jam on our carriage way because of people slowing to look at the accident?? I will look into the possibility of this.

These are pics from the bridge that took us to the pound stretcher to buy new mugs for everyone. We left our tea making stuff in bristol and have been able to make do with venue stuff since, but alas no facilities at this place.

Loads of Swans

Freds and Mrs Loar on said bridge..
Fredi in B & W during sound check..
The venue
During Sound check I took some pics
We had Pete on lights, he did them for us last time at Mansfield too. He's done lighting for other Floyd tribute bands before so he did a bang on job!!

Patrick was feeling camera shy..

Fredi shaking her tambourine in sound check - brick part 2,
and a sneaky shot of Ross who had popped on stage.
After the show, I heard 'POLLY!!!!' And there was Tommy and Sue again, good to see their friendly faces, this time I got a nice clear pic of them. the guy behind had a unusual nickname that i may now get wrong, Gegsy was it? (pronounced Jegsy in my mind though)

It was hard hat area on stage during the get out. Patrick posed for this pic in corridor and then when he looked at it said 'what the hell am I doing there?'
Dunno who took this cos I sent Patrick out with the camera, Village People me thinks....

They are such children!!
After we'd packed down it was about 12am and some were hungry. Went to Macdonalds 24hr drive thru (why do they spell it wrong??) We tried to order at the drive thru window on foot as we didn't think the vans would go under their height restriction barrier, they said they couldn't serve us on foot, that they would lose their job and cruelly turned us away. Undeterred we ended up getting the vans to the drive thru window but not by conventional means!!

Got to Travelodge Warrington by 2am, Fredi was so cold she slept in this whole outfit the whole night, I kid you not, the hat and everything.... this is her drinking tea the next morning that I very kindly made her.

Patrick sent us this pic along with the message, 'Chris promised a bed each!'
Phew this blog took ages...., i've also had an update of the blog design, hope it looks a bit more interesting now.. Found a new 'counter' thing and there's loads more views than I thought with repeat viewings, so come back as often as you like, I like to see the counter going up for a change!! Spurs me onwards to think of new things for the blog!



1 comment:

  1. Awww three little sleeping angels. Maybe you should sedate them so they will be like this most of the time :) Polls, I can hear you talking when you are writing this. FUNSIES!
