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Tuesday 15 February 2011

Friday 11th Feb 2011, Embassy Theatre Skegness

We stayed over night in Heathrow travelodge and started the trip to skegness at 9.30. Found a roadside snack bar, I had a egg in nice crusty baguette. Journey to skeggy was about 3-4 hours, on the way there were some of the longest straightest roads i've seen in this country. They seemed quite new! There were fields upon fields of cabbages, brussels sprouts and other green leafed vegetables, this must be the area for such produce. We also spotted a field of white sheep nibbling away on a load of cabbages, we think they were rogue sheep, they had a guilty look about them... It would have made a great picture but didn't get my camera out in time...
I felt tired today and a bit grouchy, you just never seem to get enough sleep to feel refreshed and then have a really long day ahead of you with the travelling, setting up followed by a 3 hour show...Good job the music lifts you when you go on stage!
Skegness didn't dissapoint it was a sea side town and a half! The theatre 'the Embassy' was on the parade by the seafront, with roller coasters and big wheels next to it, and a sign for the pleasure beach! It all seemed shut down, I bet in summer it is buzzing with lights and noises, but theres something quite nice in seeing it out of season. I went and got some fish a chips from the only one that was open in a long line of them...I also bought some Skegness rock and a fridge magnet for my mum who collects them from where i've been.

Here is our dressing room / tea making station!

Here is Steve going through the lighting cues with the in house Tech

Tonight was a night for some good quotes off our punters.

To Steve (our lead guitarist) - Great Sax playing!
To Jeff (our drummer) - Great guitar work!
To Ross (our sax player) - Who taught you to play sax?, Dave Gilmour!

There was also a much re enacted moment, i shall write it as a script for you to read..

Man - Do you sell any Cd's?
Chris - No sir, we only have T shirts and stickers at the moment
Man - Oh.... So how much are the Cd's?
Chris - We don't have any Cd's, just the t shirts and stickers (gesturing to table)
Man - How much would the cd's be?
Chris - Um.... £10?

This man clearly wanted a cd..

We met a lady with a lovely long plait...
A man called John who was good fun and had white trainers that i saw even when he was sitting in the crowd...hasn't he got a cute grin!

A lady called Cath whose husband was struggling to take a pic with my camera, also in this pic is Ross and Chris and Fredi from the band.

After the show while the pack down was going on, I went to the 24 hour macdonalds that was just next door... I bet girls aloud don't go to Macdonalds after shows, thats why they are so skinny!

Bye to Skegness, it was an hour drive to Spalding (where they make tennis balls etc. i'm told) for our over night stay, got into bed at 1.30am

here's a little video of sound check, I doubt it was at skegness, but it was one of these shows!

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