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Saturday 26 March 2011

The Artrix, Bromsgrove, Sat 26th March 2011

Well here I am sat in the dressing room at Bromsgrove, blogging as we speak! I can hear the drums booming out from downstairs which might mean sound check has started.

When we arrived their youth theatre were on stage, doing oom pah pah from oliver, I instantly felt my teacher mode coming on and wanted to go and shake the young things into giving it a bit of oomph!

The dressing room all to myself where I have been blogging!

The view of a football field out of the window!

Steve on his guitar.

The Artrix Venue

Andy setting up the sound gear!

This chap is one of the in house crew, he's called Tom...I made him smile for the pic!

Chris and Pete going over Fat old sun, which I think is back in the set tonight.

Here's Jeffs buff bins again, Bromsgrove 2010 was my first ever blog
and I mentioned his brand new kit!

Here's the new pig I bought for Chris yesterday, his first show tonight, think he might be a bit nervous! His name shall be Sergeant Pigster. The last 'pink' pig got stolen or misplaced we're not sure, he hasn't turned up since!

The Foyer of Artrix

Me and my mac are now sat on stage after having sound checked my vocals, modern technology hey!!

Hope there's a good crowd tonight, I shall update later.
The show is finished I'm back in the dressing room and as promised an update. Good show, an appreciative crowd. I recognised a young chap in the foyer before the show started and he and his dad came to stoke on trent only 6 weeks ago.

So here's their picture!
Paul (dad), Will and Sophie

We also had two very enthusiastic boys who came out and said can I have your picture to Steve, so I said can I have your picture, so here they are also, the Hake Family, with two boys John and Chris!

Gary and Anna were at show again too, and as Pete on bass said, they must have been to more gigs than him!! I am super dooper tired now, can't wait to get to Hotel!



  1. Well this is the second time I've seen In The Flesh ( both times at The Artrix ) and I thought you were superb.
    Your authenticity to Pink Floyd is spot on
    ( even the sound effects - presume PF donated them ). You are all v. talented and once again I found myself transported back to those magical 70's gigs by a brilliant performance by all of you. My 11 year old son enjoyed it too ( and that's saying something in his 21st century music desert ) .Thank you all very much.
    ( missed the lasers though and square pictures on a circular screen just didn't do it for me - small negatives in an overwhelmingly positive experience )
    Philosophical bit - " awareness of the darkside gives value to the light " - don't you think ?
    Keep up the good work - you are all top.

  2. Thanks for the feedback JD. The sqaure pics you refer to were actually video Oil wheel projections meant for a sqaure screen. they have now been masked and fit the "circular" requirement. As I recently pointed out,lasers are a no go now due to the prohibitive cost.
    Glad you enjoyed the show and we look forward to seeing you again.
    Best wishes
